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Available Shipping Methods By Country

Shipping Methods Used by Ami Ami and Mandarake

Available Shipping Methods by Country

The following table lists the available shipping methods for Ami Ami and Mandarake by country:

Country Shipping Methods
Japan Sagawa Express, Yamato, Japan Post
United States EMS, DHL, FedEx
Canada EMS, DHL, FedEx
United Kingdom EMS, DHL, FedEx
Australia EMS, DHL, FedEx
New Zealand EMS, DHL, FedEx

Recommendations for Mexican Customers

Ami Ami and Mandarake

For customers residing in Chihuahua, Mexico, Ami Ami and Mandarake are recommended for purchasing anime and manga figures. However, it's important to note that the shipping price for Ami Ami cannot be determined until an order is placed.

Available Shipping Methods for Mexico

The available shipping methods from Japan to Mexico are as follows:

  • Sagawa Express
  • Yamato
  • Japan Post


When selecting a shipping method, it's crucial to consider factors such as the delivery time and cost. By understanding the available options and recommendations provided in this article, customers can make informed decisions that suit their specific needs and budget.
